Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.
here is a paragraph tag. i am going to make it very long so that we can see how the text wraps
lallalalalallalala. my name is mary tsahas and i am a senior in the cs department. i am trying
to learn frontend design for fun! i need to keep typing. what will happen?
here is the same text in a div tag. i am going to make it very long so that we can see how the text wraps
lallalalalallalala. my name is mary tsahas and i am a senior in the cs department. i am trying
to learn frontend design for fun! i need to keep typing. what will happen? they look the same
pitter patterfall leaves
Lets make a link to a song that I like here
Click to see your submission
haha jokes on you nothing happened 🤣